
Patagonia. La Carretera Austral in bikepacking e aereo

Patagonia. La Carrettera Austral in bikepacking e aereo_2

La Patagonia è certamente una delle mete più ambite per chi pratica il cicloturismo e la Carretera Austral rappresenta il simbolo del viaggio e dell’avventura in bicicletta.

Il reportage che vi proponiamo oggi è stato realizzato da Ryan Wilson e ci ha colpito soprattutto per il racconto della sua esperienza in volo sopra le Ande, per raggiungere a bordo di un monomotore Cessna, delle zone incontaminate e fuori dai percorsi più frequentati.

Le bellissime fotografie non hanno bisogno di commenti. L’itinerario dettagliato del viaggio in bicicletta di Ryan è consultabile a questo link.

After one week of impatiently staring at the forecast, the stars aligned, we loaded up the bike and took off toward the Patagonian icons of Torre and Fitz Roy. The conditions were as perfect as you could ask for. To be honest, it’s impossible to put the scale of the Southern Icefields into words or photos. The glimpses you get from the ground are amazing, but the view from above is like nothing I’ve ever seen. Ice as far as the eye can see in seemingly every direction.

At one point Vince asks if we want to open the windows… He slows the plane to a crawl in mid-air and we pop open the flip-up windows to feel the frigid air coming off of the ice and get an even clearer view of the mountains that seem just beyond our reach as the sun creeps toward the horizon beside us. I don’t want to sound hyperbolic… I’ve had the good-fortune to see a lot of really amazing places over the last couple of years on this trip through the Andes, but nothing can compare to the hour we spent in the air here.”


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Patagonia. La Carrettera Austral in bikepacking e aereo_12

Image credits: Ryan Wilson Via: theradavist